Promote Healing of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
Helps With Emotions and Cancer
Cancer is a scary word to many people.The fear of cancer is something that the cancer itself can hide behind and our bodies can recreate.Clear Point Therapy has treated many patients with cancer, and the energetic support for the fear and the harshness of the treatments is paramount to the body’s ability to heal.
First, we deal with the fear with our diagnosis. It is quite high, five out oftwenty on the Holmes Stress Scale.If that stress can be alleviated, it allows the body to heal.What can treatment do for your diagnosis? Help you through the initial stress and grief.
Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement.
A source of deep mental anguish.
Think about it, you are diagnosed with a catastrophic disease.It hits you in the face like a brick.Do you react, or act?Do you cry and grieve?Each of us finds our own way through the quagmire of shock.
Clear Point Therapy is a leader in assisting the body and mind, not to create anxiety and depression, all which can be the result of a cancer diagnosis.
We know it helps with the chemotherapy, helping the body to deal with the non-discriminate poison that is used to kill the cancer cells.It is hard on the liver and can be taxing to the heart.We never tell you what to do allopathically, we do, however, support you physically and emotionally through treatment.
We also treat you during radiation, and are able to pull the traumas out of the body from the treatment.
Equally important is the energetic support before and after surgery. It will make a huge difference in you, with your emotional outlook and your ability to recuperate at the fastest pace possible.
We don’t think anyone knows what really causes cancer.There could be a significant energetic link, dealing with emotions and trauma.We are here to help you through your treatments, without judgment.We will work with your doctors and health care team to be a significant part of your care.
I had first hand experience with the benefits of energy work during treatment, and during a surgical procedure.It is a benefit.Even the doctors were pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Lona and Ken Holm Energy Therapy and energtic healing . 509-990-5884