Promote Healing of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
Contact Clear Point Therapy
To schedule a healing session with us please contact us by email below.
See main page for information on remote healing.
Ken Holm, Ret LMP, CPT
How Clear Point Therapy works.
I started this healing journey just looking for a way to clear my allergies, which were ruining my life.
I found a chiropractor who was practicing the NAET ( to eliminate allergies. Basically he treated me for the vibrations of things I was allergic to and it worked for me.
This program lessoned my allergic reactions by about 70%. Having good insurance at the time allowed me to go see this chiropractor about 50 times over a two year period. He taught me how to muscle test and I began branching out on my own.
I found that emotions played a big part in allergies and used an emotion chart to find which emotions were tied to my remaining allergies. Clearing the emotions cleared most of my remaining allergies.
While working on people to try to help them I noticed big emotional releases and cool winds as we did the work. I found that if I went up in vibration I could clear tougher emotional issues for people.
Each time we would look for ways to clear deeper darker issues we would go up in vibration. We also found many more issues related to allergies.
We found that sometimes it is not the person reacting to the allergies, but sometimes invaders of the body were reacting. For example a parasite would react to the allergen and release toxins, which caused our symptoms. This is the case in many food allergies.
Now after 25 years of going to higher vibrations and connecting to the highest good energies we are able to clear most invaders of the body. Also we are able to clear many of the dark energies that are past between people. For some reason the highest good is helping us to move to higher levels now all the time.
Dark energies are the main cause of disease and ageing. With the help of the highest good we are able to now help many people find a solution to their health issues.
Finding energetic solutions to health issues is so much better then the drug prescription system that is now our health system.
Hope this is helpful in explaining how Clear Point Therapy works.
Contact information:
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Hours of operation Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday We now do only remote healing.
Animal treatments:
We work on animals at a reduced rate. Please contact us for information.