Promote Healing of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
EMF Sensitivities Study
One year study on EMF sensitivity
Over one year we conducted a study on 15 people with EMF sensitivity.
One thing everyone in the group had in common was a severe energetic attack from another person.
This attack basically damaged about 70% of their energetic fields. With damage fields the dark energies can come in very easily. It is our belief that dark energies create disease and invaders in the body.
First thing we do with clear point therapy is put up protection to stop incoming energies. Next we begin the process of repairing the damage fields.
Finally we then clear as many of the diseases and invaders that we can at our current level.
Dear Ken,
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your work. I wonder how the rest of the group is doing, and wanted to let people know how I'm doing.
It has been very up and down, but steady strengthening over time. Healing is very hard work!
I notice these challenges:
Signals keep increasing. I keep having new challenges like new neighbors with extra-strong wifi beaming out of their homes into mine. Celltowers have multiplied. Driving around has become more challenging with all the stronger signals, especially this past year. People everywhere are on their iPhones with many other wearables, so I cannot socialize at all anymore.
I notice these improvements:
I am mentally stronger, better able to meet the new challenges without falling apart. I no longer crave sweets and alcohol for self-medicating. I am no longer a TV addict (out of boredom). I am no longer a FB addict looking for unsatisfying connections to others. I no longer gripe and complain (as much!- lets face it- this is really a tough road) I am more creative with little things that I enjoy. I can smile, even on a bad day, and can find good things to focus on even when all else looks pretty despairing. My soul is feeling more at peace and whole. I'm able to go inside and be with Creator. I can find much to be thankful for, and I can finally feel value in my life, as unrecognizable as it is these days. I am eating better, and my relationship with others- my husband especially- is better. I feel more true to myself and more able to say honest things, rather than avoid the difficult ones.
Thank you, Ken, and I hope others are feeling good changes too. I'd love to hear about them.
Much Love to All!!
Ken Holm
Clear Point Therapy
Spiritual Reiki Practitioner